Tuesday, January 14, 2025
HomeNewsTop NewsSAIL's Bhilai Steel Plant to install solar energy systems in plant premises

SAIL’s Bhilai Steel Plant to install solar energy systems in plant premises

Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) has decided to install solar power generation systems on the rooftops of various buildings in its plant premises and township in Bhilai. The flagship unit of the country’s largest steel maker Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), BSP, has recently signed a memorandum of understanding with the Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA) for the solar power generation project within the unit’s premises, a statement issued by the plant management said on Wednesday.

The proposed plan shall generate about 2 MW of electricity, it said.

Besides, a project of rooftop solar energy systems installation on residences and offices in the township is also underway, which has the potential to generate about 3 MW of electricity, it said.

Upon completion, the two projects shall lead to a reduction in as much as 2,900 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide emission every year, thereby helping in environment conservation, it said.

On May 9 this year, a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) was also signed between BSP and NTPC-SAIL Power Supply Company Limited (NSPCL) for the installation of a 15 MW capacity floating Solar Plant in Maroda-1 reservoir, which shall lead to the improvement of the plant’s carbon footprint, along with the conservation of energy, and the promotion of renewable energy resources, it said.

The floating solar plant will be the first of its kind in the state and is scheduled to be completed by next year, it added.

 The total green power generation estimated from this plant is likely to be about 34.26 Million Units annually which will be consumed by BSP as captive power, it said.

Another floating Solar Power Plant of 35 MW in Maroda-2 reservoir is also proposed by BSP, through NSPCL in the next phase, for which DPR (detailed project report) has already been prepared and the tender process is likely to be started soon, it said.

“The solar energy projects in the plant premises, township, Maroda-1 and Maroda-2 reservoirs will be completed in two phases with the first phase likely to be completed by 2025 and the second by 2027 end”, the release said.

Advt The electricity generated from both these projects will be added to the power grid, which will benefit the plant and other areas as well, it said.


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