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4 Ways Home Design Can Impact Energy Costs

Energy costs have been rising chaotically for some time now, and it’s not just American homeowners suffering. Even though simple actions like switching off plugs can shave a tiny fraction off the bill, implementing the following four home design features can have a significant impact on the overall expense of energy.

Energy Efficient Lighting and Appliances

One of the most effective ways to lower energy usage is by installing energy-efficient lighting and appliances. When you’re choosing appliances, you need to start paying attention to the Energy Star Label, which means the product follows a set of strict standards outlined by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

When it comes to lighting, you can switch out incandescent bulbs for LEDs, which last up to 25 years longer and consume around 90% less energy. As well as this, you should make sure lightbulbs are suitable for the desired tasks, whether that be reading, using a computer, or anything else.

Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy sources including wind turbines and solar panels can be used to provide your home with electricity. While these installations can reduce your reliance on the grid, they may not be able to replace it. However, if you’re looking for electricity in Cleveland, you’ll find that many providers have plans for renewable energy.

The renewable energy used for your property will depend on your location and available budget, but common options include:

  • Wind energy. Depending on climate, space, and budget, wind turbines can be installed to generate electricity for your home.
  • Solar energy. Solar panels are installed on the roof and capture the sun’s rays to generate electricity.
  • Hydropower. If you’ve got moving water near your property, you may be able to use it as a renewable power source.


Insulation helps to keep properties warm during winter and cool during summer, and it’s one of the most important factors when it comes to energy efficiency in home design. There are several types of insulation, including:

  • Spray foam. Spray foam is the most expensive type of insulation, but it’s excellent at preventing heat loss and sealing air leaks.
  • Rockwool. Rockwood is slightly cheaper and it’s the most effective at resisting fire and absorbing sound.
  • Fiberglass. Fiberglass is the most common type of insulation because it’s easy to install and fairly inexpensive, and it’s also quite effective.

The type of material you choose for insulation will largely depend on the budget, location, and the type of construction used for your home.

Smart Home Technology

Smart technology has been gaining traction in home design over recent years, and there’s no surprise considering how much energy it can save. For example, smart thermostats learn everything about your cooling and heating habits, and they adjust the temperature of the house accordingly. As well as this, these systems can be used to highlight areas you can start saving energy.

Thinking smartly throughout the home design process can significantly reduce ongoing energy costs. Whether you’re renovating or building a home, make sure you consider everything outlined above during the design process.


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