Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Grout


Acrylic Grout For Achieving Smooth Tiled Surface

Acrylic grout is a water-based grout made from a mix of latex with an acrylic additive.  This versatile material is known for its durability...

Subsurface Strengthening  with Chemical Grouting

Chemical grouting is used to strengthen or seal soil and rock by injecting a liquid grout material into the subsurface. The grout, typically a...

Grouting: Materials, Techniques & Applications for Enhanced Structural Solutions

Grouting is a construction technique used to fill the gaps or voids between tiles, stones, or other materials to create a strong, durable, and...

Epoxy based grout for early load bearing capacity

Epoxy grout is high strength grout, used only where the situation demands its usage like rotatory equipment and in some situations where there is...

High strength and Non-Shrink Cementitious Grout Additives

A non-shrinking grout is used when used stays of the same size as the volume of the mixture poured, or higher than the original...