Interior designer and entrepreneur Sussanne Khan has rented a residential property in Mumbai’s upscale Jogeshwari West at a monthly rent of Rs 2.37 lakh, according to Square Yards. In a statement, real estate consultant Square Yards said, “the lease agreement was finalised for a monthly rent of Rs 2.37 lakh.”
The consultant has reviewed property registration documents.
Jogeshwari West is a prime spot in Western Mumbai, perfectly placed near some of the city’s most upscale neighbourhoods like Andheri, Juhu, Goregaon and Vile Parle.
“Khan’s rented property is located in Agarwal Ind Estate which is ready to move in industrial development. The leased space spans 2,329 sq ft (216.37 sq metre),” it said.The deal was formalised with a stamp duty payment of Rs 13,500 and registration charges amounting to Rs 1,000, as per the official records reviewed by Square Yards. The registration date for the transaction is noted as December 2024.
As the founder of The Charcoal Project, Sussanne has established herself as a leading name in luxury interiors and design, catering to a global clientele, the statement said.