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HomeCivil Products & ServicesGeosyntheticsDesign consultant and Installers of Geosynthetics Products in India

Design consultant and Installers of Geosynthetics Products in India

The Geosynthetics family comprises many products. The use of geosynthetics like geotextile, geomembrane, geogrids and geocomposite for improvement of sub-soil properties, soil reinforcement etc. has gained momentum in India in the past 15 Years very fast. The use of geosynthetics as soil reinforcement has many advantages over conventional soil improvement methods. This method of insertion of structural components into the soil medium is quite technical and installation causes many practical complications. You need both expert designs and quality supervision for these kinds of works, one such group is Green Infrastructures Systems Pvt. Ltd. [GISPL].

Design consultant and Installers of Geosynthetics Products from GISPL

Green Infrastructures Systems Pvt. Ltd. [GISPL] provide world-class services related to Geosynthetic products applications under both categories i.e. Design Consultancy and/or Installations of Geosynthetic products at any project site across India as per the requirement of clients.

Our Sustainable & Cost-effective diversified activities under one Roof in the specialized field of Civil Engineering are Reinforced Soil Walls (RSW) and Reinforced Steep Soil Slopes (RSS), Soil Nailing, Erosion protection of high embankments, Ground improvement using unconventional techniques, Monitoring and solution for serviceability failure of RSW.

During the very short, veritable & splendid journey of 10 years, the team of GISPL worked very hard with authenticity to become the synonyms of words “trusted and collateral” in the field of Geosynthetics as an Independent consultant or as a subcontractor organisation. The team of GISPL works together with a team of Contractors/ Infrastructures organisations in such a way that GISPL becomes part of their organisation. GISPL works like part of a contractor’s organisation. Strong commitments to deliver technologically unique solutions with international standards of quality at site and a strong customer focus have made GISPL a preferred preference of Infrastructure companies and Contractors.

GISPL is an entrepreneurship organization established in 2010 with the help of SINE-IIT Bombay, which started its business as an independent consultant in the field of geosynthetics solutions across India. In 2010, when the Indian Geosynthetics market was governed by only manufacturers and their associated applicators and the availability of an independent design consultant organization in the field of Geosynthetics was negligible in India, at that time GISPL under adverse working conditions was the pioneer of successful implementation of the concept of Independent Geosynthetic Consultant (Designs, Drawings and Quality Supervision). GISPL is not associated with any particular Geosynthetics manufacturers and labour contractor agencies. By working with them Contractors/Infrastructure companies have the freedom of selection of quality Geosynthetics manufacturers/suppliers across the world therefore their project completion is not dependent on the mercy of one manufacturer. Switching of Geosynthetics manufacturers (without affecting the project completion time and other teams like labours, designer, supervision personnel) is very easy even during the project execution phase when a particular manufacturer fails to supply products timely without any legitimate reason and/or supplies inferior products in the middle of the project. If required, our team also assists contractors to purchase correct and quality Geosynthetics products.

GISPL Expertise in Fast-track project execution

Stringent commitment to quality in services and economical design as a Geosynthetics consultant has made GISPL, one of the trusted choices for infrastructure companies and contractors. The services stand tall in addressing the challenges posed by the uncertainty of soil properties and are easily overcome by the intelligent use of geosynthetics services. The team is backed by diligent and experienced members whose main focus is the timely completion of projects with cost-effective designs without violation of codes of practices in India. Given below is an overview of their Fastrack project execution.

GISPL Milestones in Design Consultancy:

To date, they have taken up 51 projects across India comprising Reinforced Soil (RSW) walls and Reinforced slope (RSS). As a Geosynthetics Consultant (Designs, Drawings and Supervision) approximately they have completed Nine Lakhs square meter work of Reinforced Soil wall (RSW)/ Reinforced Steep Slope (RSS).

Design Consultancy of Reinforced Soil Walls (RSW)

The company is the approved consultant of CIDCO, Navi Mumbai for the construction of Reinforced Soil Wall (RSW) etc. and other Geosynthetics solutions since 2011. They are the first organization in 2010 that brought the idea of reducing panel thickness from 180mm to 140mm and successfully implemented it in various projects across India.

The company received illustrious success very fast with the fact that within ten years of inception, GISPL delivered successfully consultancy services of Reinforced Soil Walls (RSW) with quality supervision to several NHAI owned projects at NH 11, NH 5, NH 17, NH 6, NH66, NH8E and NH3 etc. belong to Rajasthan, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh and State government agencies & DFCCIL owned projects belong to Rajasthan, Gujrat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab.

Design Consultancy of Unconventional Ground Improvement Solutions

Our cost-effective unconventional design solution of ground improvement for construction of Reinforced soil wall (RSW) resting on weak foundation soil and in the presence of water bodies at NH5, NH6, MP: SH-31 in the state Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh respectively benefitted contractor by saving of both money and time.

Design Consultancy of Reinforced Steep Slopes (RSS)

They have also completed two NHAI projects of Reinforced Soil Slope (RSS) with the maximum inclination angle 55° and 65° with horizontal in the state Rajasthan and Gujarat at NH11 and NH8E respectively.

Milestones as Installer/Subcontractor:

  • Completed one NHAI project of RSW on a turnkey basis with M/s GR Infra Projects Ltd., Udaipur at NH 15 in the state of Rajasthan in 2018. Scope of Work of GISPL was Concrete, Casting, Execution, Geogrid Supply and Transpiration of Facia at the site from casting Yard.
  • Ongoing semi Turn-Key project of RSW with M/s Chetak Enterprises Ltd., Mumbai at NH 66 in the state of Maharashtra. Scope of work of GISPL is Melds Supply, Casting, Execution and Geogrid & Geotextile Supply and other associated materials.
  • Several state government-owned projects are going on with this concept.

GISPL- Working diversified multi-model as a Design consultant and subcontractor/ Installer:  

 Presently the company’s working model as a consultant and subcontractor are:

  1. Designs & Drawings with Limited Supervision of RSW/RSS/Ground Improvement etc. with the visit of a senior person when required at site to a contractor for onsite technical guidance.
  2. Designs & Drawings with full-time supervision with skilled staff,
  3. Designs & Drawings with Supply of Geosynthetics Products and Limited Supervision.
  4. Designs & Drawings with Supply of Geosynthetics Products and full-time supervision,
  5. Completion of work on “Turn-Key Basis” that comprises Supply of Panel Molds/ Block Casting Machine + Geosynthetics, Concrete for casting of Facia including transportation, Erection/Construction of RSW/RSS, Designs & Drawings, and fulltime Supervision.

Mr. Aanand Jain is the CEO of the company having experience of 15 years in the field design and execution of reinforced soil walls, Reinforced steep slopes, Unconventional ground improvement and erosion protection etc. After the completion of his post-graduation from IIT Bombay in 2005, he has completed more than 60 projects in the field of geosynthetics. He strongly encourages research within the technical team members. He himself published two technical papers and has been part of many interactive workshops such as an Interactive workshop on the Application of Geotechnical Textiles in various constructions in the North Region of India and Two-Day Seminar on the Application of Geosynthetics in Civil Engineering. 

Address: UG-151 Dreams The Mall, Bhandup(W),Mumbai – 400078, Maharashtra, India

Moblie: +91-9969948546

Email Id:,

For more details of GISPL services, visit-


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