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HomeCivil Products & ServicesBridgesGABM tool for small, micro & macro bridge inventory owners

GABM tool for small, micro & macro bridge inventory owners

Bridges are an important part of the road and rail transportation networks. It is critical to ensure they are kept safe and in accessible condition. To assess the condition of the Bridge Management System [BMS] is used. It forms a critical part of the overall bridge asset management process and is applicable to all existing bridges, old or new. The purpose of management is the maintenance of the bridge, by identifying deficiencies and providing required rehabilitation interventions as required to ensure the continued safety of traffic. However, BMS is heavily reliant on the engineering judgement of the bridge inspection teams. BMS has been very focused on providing remedial intervention when the first symptoms are observed. Remedial intervention is sometimes provided for the entire bridge envelope, resulting in very high investments. BMS software is proprietary and stored on cloud servers with very high storage capacity requirements. BMS is most efficient when it is digitised, which renders it totally internet driven. To address these challenges of BMS, UBMS Research Group has developed an internet-free Bridge management Analytic tool called Global Analytics for Bridge Management [GABM].

GABM is an analytics tool that enhances the capabilities of Bridge Management System [BMS] multiple fold. It is used for the lifecycle management of bridges by ensuring their safety and providing priority protocols for remedial interventions.

It addresses;

  • Dependence of the decision making process on engineering judgement
  • Judgement aimed at identifying symptoms of distress
  • Absence of geospatial information about the symptoms

These are achieved by adaptation of a dynamic performance based decision making process, inclusion of bridge information model and identification of cause of distress. The analytics tool enables clients to judiciously choose which bridges on their network are in need of rehabilitation interventions by shifting the focus of deterioration modelling from a judgement-based protocol to a performance-based protocol supported by visual and verifiable imagery.

GABM: Input Field and Output Information

The Global Analytics tool comprises of two main modules:

A: Input data field module-comprising Inventory data, Inspection data, Cause matrix data, Structural Health Monitoring [SHM] data, and Digital imagery data.

B: Output information module- consisting of information related to Pre and Post SHM data related to Balance service life, Absolute service life, and Median service life which yields critical information about Risk analysis, Financial results for direct and indirect costs, and investment.

Various versions of GABM

GABM requires a standard computer system with required storage capacity, it is available as

  1. GABM10 implies a maximum of 100 bridges.
  2. GABM 25 implies a maximum of 250 bridges.

It can be used for 10 cycles, which translates to 10 years where 1 cycle is performed per year.

Advantages of GABM

  • Allows the user to know the Balance of service life, Risk involved, and ensures Optimal Fund Allocation
  • Analysis of bridge condition based on performance-based protocol
  • Allows the user the flexibility to choose his preferred protocol in the decision-making process
  • Ensures that Bridges to which fund allocation is not provided are attended to with Bridges Under Observation and Monitoring [BUOM]
  • Risk Assessment and Analysis
  • Assignment of technically prudent Ranking and Priority process to achieve optimal fund management.
  • Eliminates the requirement of internet, cloud servers, cloud storage systems and exhaustive engineering manpower

Who can use GABM?

GABM can be used by small, micro and macro bridge inventory owners who have to implement Bridge Management, that includes;

  • Concessionaire of NHAI
  • Repair and rehabilitation contractors
  • Toll Plaza
  • Municipal corporations

GABM addresses the missing links in BMS, it brings uniqueness by incorporating the sustainability index. This renders the research a big leap to ensure the Safety for Bridge users integrating advanced innovative technologies without compromising on Sustainability and Economic growth in the influence area.

For more details about GABM, contact:
Phone- 9343833191, Email-


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