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HomeBlog4 Practices for Minimizing Risks Every Operator Should Know

4 Practices for Minimizing Risks Every Operator Should Know

The oil and mining industries are often in the headlines for incidents from accidental spills, equipment failure, and worker injuries. Such incidents are undoubtedly costly regarding human impact, cost, and lost hours. For instance, the Journal of Petroleum Technology reported that members of the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) collectively lost 580 work days in 2021 alone. Discover the top four risk-averting practices you should know as an operator.

1: Conduct Regular Safety Audits

Regular safety audits offer a systematic and preventive approach to safety and risk mitigation. When you have information early, you can maintain a high safety standard and prevent incidents. Safety audits help you identify potential hazards before they happen. The safety audit should include equipment, employee adherence to safety procedures, and emergency response plans. You don’t have to run the audits yourself. Instead, you can engage a trained safety specialist conversant with safety regulations. The specialist should conduct audits in all operational areas with potential risks.

2: Leverage Innovative Tools and Equipment

Safety and operational efficiency have been big trends in all types of workplaces, so manufacturers and research institutions release solutions to avert risk every year. Innovative tools such as Gunhandler by Renegade ensure your company uses everything at its disposal to maintain efficiency without compromising safety. Innovative tools reduce manual handling, which is the culprit behind slips and falls. With such tools, you can do real-time monitoring and get feedback. Once the tools are onboard, your team should invest in employee training to ensure optimal use.

3: Implement Effective Employee Training Programs

The Health and Safety Executive says that almost all accidents are attributable to ‘human errors.’ You can approach higher safety standards by investing heavily in employee training and motivation. Structured learning programs can include hands-on training, classroom settings, and even exams. The safety officer should look up the previous safety audits to check where employees need training the most. Well-trained employees are self-aware and knowledgeable about different safety risks and can respond effectively to any risk.

4: Follow Industry Regulations Strictly

One of the easy-to-forget tips is that you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Government initiatives such as the Occupational Safety and Hazard Association (OSHA) have elaborate guidelines on workplace safety. You may also find more specific guidelines from your industry association. A good practice is to hire an employee whose sole role is to keep the company updated with industry guidelines.

Key Away

Keeping your workers safe and your firm free from injury claims is a long-term job. Maintaining safety while keeping operating efficiency high is even harder. Yet, with the right tools and approach, you can keep profits high and injuries low. Remember to:

  • Do safety audits regularly
  • Use modern tools and equipment
  • Train your employees effectively and,
  • Follow industry regulations

Take a proactive risk-aversion approach by investing in gunhandler which is designed with the operator in mind. Gunhandler by Renegade is cut above the rest of similar tools in the market. Contact Renegade customer representative for more information.


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