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HomeEventsConference / ExhibitionsTwo day Special Programme on Prefabricated steel concrete composite structures

Two day Special Programme on Prefabricated steel concrete composite structures

Date: 29th & 30th September 2023 ( Friday & Saturday)

Time: 9:30-17:30hrs, IST

Venue for classroom session: Citadel Sarovar Portico, #41, Seshadri Road, Ananda Rao Circle, Bengaluru -560 009

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About the programme:

Prefabricated construction systems are usually known as precast constructions where structural components such as columns, beams, slabs and wall panels are standardised and produced in factories and then transported to the sites for assembly. Prefabrication has been used widely in the global construction industry due to its numerous advantages, including reduced site disruption, shorter construction time, better construction quality control, lower construction cost, increased safety, increased sustainability with less construction waste, easy repair and replacement, and easy deconstruction for reuse and recycling.

Prefabricated steel -concrete composite construction has gained significant importance all over the world. With increased demand on strength, safety and reliability it has become imperative for developing countries like india to adopt steel – concrete composite structures construction techniques in large scale. This techniques offers increased load carrying capacity and stiffness, saving in weight of structure which is a pre requisite for earthquake resistant structures. In view of the tremendous scope and demand, it is the need of the hour to upgrade the comptence level of construction engineers. With this objectives in view, this two day training programme is organised by INSTRUCT.


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