Seminar on Design of Repairs, Restoration and Retrofitting for Structures

Repairs Restoration Retrofitting

Date: 23rd (Thu) & 24th(Fri) April 2020

Venue: The Citadel Hotel, Ananda Rao Circle, Bangalore – 560001

Organised by: Institute for Research, Development and Training of Construction Trades and Management

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Analysis and design of Repairs, Restoration and Retrofitting [3R] of structural systems and elements of the system is different to the analysis and design before construction. Depending upon whether or not stresses and strains in are relieved in the elements of the system during repairs, 3R’s may be classified as active or passive measure.

When existing structural elements and systems are not fully unloaded before the application of repairs, it is termed ‘passive repairs’ and, the new repair materials installed share only a part of the subsequent loads. Whereas, in active repairs, existing structural elements are relieved of loads acting before repairs so that repair and existing materials share loads together. Issues to be considered while analyzing and design, are:

  • Reduction in strength of elements due to removal of material.
  • Storing of material causing excessive loading and impact on elements.
  • Compatibility of new repair materials with original materials of construction.
  • Integrity of structural system while in the process of repairs and enabling the sequence of erection and removal of temporary works.

In this program, structures using concrete as well as load bearing masonry structures will be dealt and design of elements in topics will be deliberated considering connection between existing and new repair materials, stress transfer at the interface of existing material and new materials.

It is presumed that the building is evaluated using appropriate equipments and methods and necessity of repair, restoration and retrofitting is established. Structural elements to be treated to restore or enhance strength are identified. Materials used in existing structures as well as new materials to be used are evaluated from compatibility criterion including stress, strains, elasticity, and durability.


The objectives of this programme are:

Imparting clarity on the design of repairs to both concrete and load bearing masonry structures with regard to the connections between the existing materials and new installed repairs, and stress transfer at their interface.

Discussion and deliberations on the design methodologies and philosophies of repairs to make good the assessed deficiencies of elements.

Equip participants with criteria for choosing appropriate materials, connections between existing and applied materials.

Who should participate

  • Architects, Builders, Contractors, Developers and Construction Industry Professionals and decisions makers
  • Project management consultants and Consulting Civil Engineers
  • Technocrats
  • Engineers from Government, Semi Government, Private and Public Sector
  • Professionals, Builders (of Mass housing)
  • Teachers&Students from Engineering Colleges
  • Structural Engineering Consultants and Designers Facility Management
  • Manufacturers of Repairs Material and retrofitting agencies, contractor applicator

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