South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) managed to collect a record Rs 1,075 crore as property tax in the financial year 2021-22. The figure crossed the Rs 1,000 crore-mark for the first time. The south corporation had collected property tax amounting to Rs 943 crore and Rs 826 crore in 2020-21 and 2019-20, respectively.
SDMC commissioner Gyanesh Bharti credited the success to the efforts of officials concerned who extended all possible help to the taxpayers and made them understand the need of making the payment before the deadline. “We have also been able to raise Rs 917 crore as transfer duty, which is all-time highest,” said Bharti.
“For the convenience of assessees, SDMC kept its offices open on Saturdays and last Sunday during March and organised nearly 900 camps in municipal wards. The department aims to take the total tax collection to Rs 1,200 crore,” he said.
SDMC claimed that their focus on recovery of pending tax as well as payment of the tax by the government agencies/departments paid rich dividends. “Of the Rs 620 crore property tax collected by the headquarters, over Rs 100 crore has been received from government organisations,” said Radha Krishan, assessor and collector, headquarters, SDMC.