Damp walls, cracked ceilings, cavities, voids and unstable foundation soil all represent significant dangers to structural soundness. Injection systems can make a sustainable contribution to the regular maintenance and repair of buildings and structures, helping to significantly extend their service life. Successful injection measures result from high-performance materials combined with optimum application technology, with expert planning and execution ensuring the injection systems perform to their maximum efficiency. The purpose of the injection system is to
- Protect the concrete against ingress of water and other harmful substances through cracks and cavities.
- Reinforce concrete components to preserve the tensile and compressive loading strength in areas affected with cracks and cavities.
- Protect corrosion of the reinforced steel and similar elements.
- Waterproof the external components, particularly in areas in contact with subsoil.
- Seal the construction and expansion joints
MC-Bauchemie India offers a comprehensive range of injection technology based on practice-proven materials and efficient techniques combined as complete integrated systems. Their mineral based injection product- Centricrete addresses issues such as Foundation rafts and construction joints in basements, Brickwork injections for damp proofing course, Cracks and cavities in masonry, Cracks in concrete where sealing and structural repairs are required, Voids in roofs and joints between parapet walls and slabs, rigid filling of cracks, joints and voids in building construction and civil engineering under dry, damp and water-bearing conditions.
MC Mineral Injection System – Centricrete
Centricrete is a Ready to use, hydraulically setting, polymer modified waterproof grout for injections and filling of cracks, cavities and honeycombs.
MC-Bauchemie developed an economical cementitious grout Centricrete, a non-shrink ready to use and free-flowing injection grout used for sealing of cracks, filing of cavities, voids and crevices. The varied properties and advantages make the product an indispensable product for grouting under/into basements, rafts foundations, construction joints etc. to provide effective and durable protection. It is hydraulically setting, premixed, polymer-modified grout for injections of structural cracks and other similar damages. Centricrete Injection Grout is produced with carefully selected water-repellent and silicifying chemical compounds and inert fillers to achieve varied characteristics like water impermeability, non-shrinkage, free flow etc.
Centricrete can be used for monolithic injections in masonry and provides the brickwork with an excellent Damp Proof Course. It is supplied in ready-to-use form, water is the only component that has to be added at the job site before application and can be used everywhere, where conventional normal cement mortar grout is used.
Advantages of Centricrete
- Hydraulically setting, premixed, ready to use, polymer modified grout for injections
- Creates an integral waterproofing barrier and prevents water penetration and rising dampness
- The injection grout is waterproof and non-shrink, thereby the cracks, crevices, and cavities are optimally filled and waterproof.
- On account of its plasticizing characteristics it ensures good flow, even while gravity grouting
- Due to high dispersion Centricrete does not settle and remains in suspension even if pumped under pressure
- The grout develops higher compressive and flexural strengths compared to normal cement grouts
- Alkaline therefore, it prevents the carbonation in concrete and thus effectively protects the reinforcement against corrosion
- Improves imperviousness and resistance to aggressive industrial influences

MC- Bauchemie India offers specifiers, planning engineers, clients and applicators time-saving, cost-efficient and reliable solutions specially formulated to meet the requirements described above. The company’s injection technologies are aligned to the full range of applications encountered in structural and civil engineering – quickly and durably protect structures against water while also restoring them to stability.
To explore their full range of products, visit: www.mc-bauchemie.in