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Mesh vs Other Fencing

Mesh fencing and other types such as palisade or vertical bar fencing each offer unique advantages for perimeter security. The choice between them depends on factors like the required security level, visibility needs, and aesthetic preferences. According to industry experts, mesh fencing provides superior visibility and is often more cost-effective, while alternatives like palisade fencing may offer greater deterrence in high-security applications.

Comparing Mesh Fencing with Palisade Fencing

Mesh fencing and palisade fencing are two popular options for perimeter security, each with distinct advantages and disadvantages. When comparing these fencing types, several key factors come into play:

Security Level

  • Palisade Fencing: Often perceived as offering a higher level of security due to its imposing appearance and anti-climb properties. The vertical pales with pointed tops act as a strong visual deterrent.
  • Mesh Fencing: High-security mesh fencing derivatives can provide comparable or even superior security, especially when incorporating anti-cut and anti-climb technologies.


  • Mesh Fencing: Generally considered more aesthetically pleasing and less imposing than palisade fencing. Its open design allows for better visibility and light transmission, making it a preferred choice for schools, commercial premises, and areas where a friendlier appearance is desired.
  • Palisade Fencing: With its tall and aggressive design, it may be less suitable for locations where visual appeal is a priority.


  • Mesh Fencing: Typically more cost-effective than palisade fencing due to its reduced steel content. However, high-security derivatives of both types may narrow or reverse the cost difference, as upgrading mesh fencing with advanced security features can significantly increase its price.

Installation and Maintenance

  • Mesh Fencing: Generally quicker and easier to install, especially on flat surfaces, as it comes in rigid panels. It also tends to require less maintenance over time.
  • Palisade Fencing: While robust, it may take longer to install and can be more expensive to maintain due to its design.


  • Mesh Fencing: Adaptable to various environments and can be easily upgraded with additional security features like barbed wire or electric pulse fencing.
  • Palisade Fencing: Particularly well-suited for industrial areas, railways, and other high-security applications.

Visibility and Surveillance

  • Mesh Fencing: Provides better visibility, which is advantageous for surveillance purposes and maintaining clear sightlines. This characteristic makes it preferable in situations where monitoring the perimeter is crucial.
  • Palisade Fencing: While offering some visibility, it may obstruct views more significantly, especially from a distance.


  • Palisade Fencing: Known for its robust construction and resistance to physical attacks.
  • Mesh Fencing: High-quality mesh fencing, particularly when galvanized or powder-coated, offers excellent longevity and resistance to corrosion.

In conclusion, the choice between mesh and palisade fencing depends on specific site requirements, security needs, aesthetic considerations, and budget constraints. While palisade fencing may be preferred for high-security industrial applications, mesh fencing offers a balance of security, aesthetics, and cost-effectiveness that makes it suitable for a wide range of commercial and public spaces. It’s important to consider the specific security ratings and features of each fencing system, as high-security derivatives of both types can offer comparable levels of protection.

Applications of Expanded Metal Mesh Fencing

Expanded metal mesh fencing is a versatile product with numerous applications across various industries. Its unique structure, created by cutting and stretching a single sheet of metal, provides strength, durability, and flexibility. Here are some key applications:

  • Industrial and Manufacturing:
    • Machine guards to protect equipment and workers.
    • Walkways and ramps for improved safety and grip.
    • Shelving and storage solutions.
  • Construction and Architecture:
    • Facade cladding and decorative elements.
    • Sunbreakers for shading and light control.
    • Ceiling systems for open and modern designs.
  • Security and Defense:
    • Perimeter fencing for high-security areas.
    • Prison fences and enclosures.
    • Military installations and border protection.
  • Transportation:
    • Railway fences for safety and security.
    • Conveyor belt guards in industrial settings.
    • Car transporter ramps.
  • Environmental and Landscaping:
    • Gabion baskets for erosion control and river management.
    • Garden fencing and partitions.
    • Greenhouse staging using lightweight aluminum mesh.
  • Infrastructure:
    • Platforms and viewing decks.
    • Fire escapes and emergency exits.
    • Footbridges with anti-slip properties.
  • Energy and Utilities:
    • Protective enclosures for power, heating, and air conditioning equipment.
    • Oil and natural gas refinery security fencing.

The versatility of expanded metal mesh fencing allows it to be used in various sectors, providing solutions for security, safety, and aesthetic needs across different industries and applications.

Advantages of Welded Wire Mesh Fencing

Welded wire mesh fencing offers several key advantages that make it a popular choice for various applications:

  • Durability and Strength: The welding process creates a robust bond at each intersection, resisting bending and breaking, providing excellent security while allowing clear visibility.
  • Versatility: Suitable for residential, commercial, and industrial use, it requires minimal maintenance, especially when galvanized or coated to resist rust and corrosion.
  • Ease of Installation: Pre-fabricated panels can be quickly attached to posts, making the installation process relatively straightforward.
  • Weather-Friendly: Its open design allows wind to pass through, reducing the risk of damage in harsh conditions.

These advantages make welded wire mesh fencing a cost-effective and practical solution for many fencing needs.

Palisade vs Mesh Security

Palisade fencing offers robust security features that set it apart from options like mesh fencing:

  • Physical and Visual Deterrence: The vertical steel pales, often reinforced and topped with sharp points, create a formidable barrier against intruders.
  • Anti-Climb Properties: The design makes it extremely difficult to scale, making it ideal for high-security areas.
  • Height and Security Add-Ons: Palisade fencing can reach heights of up to 3.6 meters and be equipped with additional security features such as razor wire or rotating spikes.

While mesh fencing offers better visibility and a more modern appearance, high-security palisade systems are often preferred for protecting critical infrastructure, industrial sites, and other high-risk areas due to their superior strength and deterrent capabilities. This includes mesh fencing and gates amongst other security features.

Security Features of Palisade Fencing

Palisade fencing is a popular choice for high-security applications due to its robust features:

  • Imposing Visual Deterrent: Tall, vertical pales with sharp edges and pointed tops create an intimidating appearance.
  • Anti-Climb Design: Features like triple-pointed or splayed tops make climbing difficult and dangerous.
  • Strength and Durability: Constructed from high-grade steel or aluminum, palisade fencing withstands harsh weather and attempted breaches.
  • Customizable Heights and Pale Profiles: Available in various heights and pale profiles (e.g., ‘D’ and ‘W’), allowing for tailored security levels.

While palisade fencing excels in security, it provides limited privacy and may not be aesthetically suitable for all environments, particularly residential areas. However, it remains a top choice for securing high-value assets and industrial sites due to its formidable security features and effectiveness. GRP fencing tends to present more options overall to businesses when it comes to longevity and durability of security products.

Summing Up

In conclusion, the world of fencing offers a diverse array of options, each with its own unique advantages and applications. From the robust security features of palisade fencing to the versatility of expanded metal mesh and the clear visibility of welded wire mesh, there is a fencing solution for every need. The choice between different fencing types depends on factors including security requirements, aesthetic preferences, cost considerations, and specific site conditions.

Whether it’s protecting high-security facilities, enhancing architectural designs, or simply defining property boundaries, modern fencing solutions continue to evolve, incorporating advanced materials and technologies in a sustainable manner for the environment. As the industry progresses, further innovations that balance security, aesthetics, and sustainability are expected. Ultimately, the right fencing choice can significantly enhance the safety, functionality, and visual appeal of any property or project.


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