Kalpataru Projects International Ltd (KPIL) on Tuesday said the company, along with its international subsidiaries, have secured new orders worth Rs 1,011 crore. According to a company statement, the new orders include projects in the transmission & distribution (T&D) segment in the overseas market.
It also received orders in the Railway business and the Buildings & Factories (B&F) business in India.
Manish Mohnot, MD & CEO, KPIL, said, “We are pleased with the strong momentum in order inflows, which has significantly strengthened our order book, with YTD inflows now exceeding Rs 17,300 crore”.Notably, 85 per cent of these orders came from our core T&D and B&F businesses, he noted.
The T&D business has grown steadily in the last three quarters, while the B&F segment has strengthened its leadership with new and repeat orders, he added.
KPIL is one of the largest specialised EPC companies engaged in Power Transmission & Distribution, Buildings & Factories, Water Supply & Irrigation, Railways, Oil & Gas Pipelines, Urban Mobility (Flyovers & Metro Rail), Highways and Airports.
It is currently executing projects in over 30 countries and has a global footprint in 75 countries.