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HomeBlogHeavy Equipment Conservation: The Do's and Don'ts

Heavy Equipment Conservation: The Do’s and Don’ts

Your construction project should have all of the necessary tools, equipment, and machines to ensure nothing will go wrong. However, they may need something bigger for large construction projects, where heavy construction equipment comes into play. You can find them in most medium or large-scale construction projects because of how fast they can do specific jobs like hauling dirt or lifting heavy materials.

One fact about heavy construction equipment is the difficulty of conserving them. Without proper maintenance, you can expect heavy equipment to fail during a job, and you don’t want that happening because it can cause severe problems. It’s best to learn the do’s and don’ts of heavy equipment conservation to avoid causing mishaps on-site.

Do: Always Plan Ahead When Transporting Heavy Equipment

When you’re about to transport heavy equipment to your construction site, you have to plan to allow for contingencies that you will encounter along the way. An example is failing to bring extra chains and harnesses when the current ones break suddenly. 

Another is when your transport trucks carrying the heavy equipment get a flat tire. Your trucks should have spare tires ready for the drivers to replace at any given moment, especially when you have deadlines to meet for the construction project. Proper planning for the heavy equipment’s transportation will save any project valuable time and effort.

Do Not: Rush Transporting Heavy Equipment

It won’t matter if you hire the best driver in your area – driving a large truck at high speeds is never a good idea. You can find many incidents wherein truck transport drivers went so fast that their heavy equipment fell off the trailer causing extensive damage resulting in costly repairs.

Do: Keep An Eye Out for Heavy Equipment Damage and Issues

Equipment issues can pop up when you least expect them. You don’t want the problem to happen while someone’s operating the heavy equipment injuries can result. You have to look out for any concerns with your heavy equipment regularly to prevent it from malfunctioning.

You may hire a mechanic on-site that can repair the heavy equipment. If your equipment hasn’t had any maintenance in a while, you may need your mechanics to do a thorough inspection. You want to keep your heavy equipment functioning throughout the entire construction process if you don’t want to experience any delays.

Do Not: Cut Corners When Maintaining Heavy Equipment

Most construction projects have tight deadlines. The last thing you want to happen is for your heavy equipment to break down on the job. Cutting corners with repairs or maintenance can lead to more issues that can become detrimental to the entire project.

Putting a band-aid solution on heavy equipment issues is never ideal because those issues will still come back after a few days. Construction projects that cut corners when taking care of heavy equipment suffer heavy losses in the long run. If it needs proper maintenance, ensure that the mechanic can fully resolve the problem before your operators can use it again.

Do: Double or Triple Inspections Before and After Every Job

Before starting the day at the construction site, operators have to inspect the heavy equipment. You have to implement a strict rule that involves checking the equipment before and after every construction job. One situation that will require inspections is when heavy equipment lifts tons of construction materials like fire-rated access door security installation to the building’s highest level.

It can place a lot of strain on the heavy equipment, and it may suddenly break if you use it continuously without proper inspections. When your operators and mechanic inspect it after strenuous tasks, they decrease the chances of on-site accidents. Note that worksite accidents can halt the construction project, which is why your workers need to check the heavy equipment constantly.

Do Not: Operate Damaged Heavy Equipment

Some contractors think that they can still use damaged equipment because the issues are minimal. As mentioned previously, damaged heavy equipment can cause significant problems on the job site, and you have to avoid that if you want the project to continue without a hitch. Have your workers label damaged heavy equipment so that no operator uses it by accident.

If you don’t have the right heavy equipment for a specific job, do not try to take a shortcut. One instance is using a rough terrain crane beside the sea. The terrain might become too slippery for the crane that it will slip and fall into the water. Instead of using a rough terrain crane, it’s best to use a floating crane because it can move around water quickly. Make sure you choose the right heavy equipment for specific construction jobs to utilize its features thoroughly.

Ensure you remember these do’s and don’ts if you want your heavy equipment to last. You can also educate your other construction workers on how they work and the basics of maintaining them.


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