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HomeNewsTop NewsDMRC wins Global Water Tech Award for environmental initiatives

DMRC wins Global Water Tech Award for environmental initiatives

 The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) has received the ‘Global Water Tech Award 2024’ in the ‘organisation’ category for its initiatives in environmental conservation, according to an official statement on Sunday.

Global Energy and Environment Foundation (GEEF) presented the honour, recognising DMRC’s efforts in water conservation and efficient utilisation of water resources across Delhi.

Its key initiatives include rainwater harvesting pits, sewage treatment plants, and the use of treated effluent for construction, horticulture, and dust suppression at various sites.

The corporation has implemented water-efficient fixtures, Beton Wash facilities at construction sites, and dual plumbing systems, ensuring the useful utilisation of “dewatered water” from its construction sites, the statement said.

“This award highlights DMRC’s role as a leader in the sustainable utilisation and conservation of vital natural resources, setting a benchmark for other organisations,” Anuj Dayal, Principal Executive Director of Corporate Communications at DMRC said.

During its first phase of construction, DMRC rejuvenated the dry Sarpakar Lake in the ridge area using “dewatered water” obtained from one of its construction site near Delhi University, the corporation said.

Currently, dewatered water from Phase-IV construction is being used to rejuvenate Roshanara Bagh Lake, with more than a kilometre of pipeline laid by DMRC to facilitate this, it said.Additionally, treated water from sewage treatment plants meets the water requirements for maintaining horticulture at DMRC premises including staff quarters, depots, and Metro Bhawan, it added.


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