CASE Donates Skid Steer To Habitat For Humanity

Habitat for Humanity

With volunteer teams limited to 10 people to maintain health and safety during the pandemic, Wichita Habitat for Humanity has fewer opportunities for volunteers to help build, renovate, and repair houses for those in the Wichita, Kansas, area. CASE Construction recently donated a skid steer to the non-profit organization so it can perform difficult tasks that would otherwise require large groups of volunteers.

One Powerful Volunteer

“This incredibly versatile machine will add efficiency and safety, and help meet many of the special challenges we face when working on urban infill lots in Wichita,” says Ann Fox, executive director, Wichita Habitat for Humanity. “The skid steer will be used to clear dead trees, concrete, and brush from vacant lots. It also will manage dirt work, grade, unload and move construction materials and help set trusses.”

Building A Stronger Community

CASE says its employees frequently volunteer with Habitat organizations across the U.S. through the company’s Impact Day program, and the CNH Industrial manufacturing plant in Wichita has a strong working relationship with the Wichita chapter. CASE’s Wichita plant also manufactures every CASE skid steer and compact track loader that you’ll find on jobsites around the globe, so the choice of donating a skid steer was an easy one.
