Another FIR was registered against Rashid Naseem, the director of Shine City Infra Project Private Limited, at the Gomtinagar police station on Sunday. So far, about 150 FIRs have been registered at different police stations across the city in connection with the multi-crore scam, with 80 complaints lodged at Gomtinagar police station alone.
Anand Kumar Mishra of Kanpur filed a complaint against Rashid Naseem and other employees of the company. He said that in 2014, he booked four plots, each 1,000 square feet, in the Shine Valley project located in Mohanlalganj.
“The price for each plot was Rs 3.51 lakh. On 28 Feb 2014, I received the contract letter from the company. Even after paying the full amount for the plots in 2018-19, they were never registered. The company then shut down its office and disappeared, cheating me out of Rs 15 lakh,” he said.Rashid Naseem, the owner of the company, has been living in Dubai for the past five years and remains out of the police’s reach.