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HomeUncategorizedConstruction of Bridge in Galitodu road Of Airodi gram panchayat

Construction of Bridge in Galitodu road Of Airodi gram panchayat


General Details 
Tender NumberKPWD/2020-21/BG/WORK_INDENT126267
Tender TitleConstruction of Bridge in Galitodu road Of Airodi gram panchayat in Brahmmavar Taluk of Udupi Dist. (One time improvement)
Tender CategoryWORKS
Type of QuotationITEM_WISE
Tender Evaluation TypeONE_COVER
DepartmentKarnataka Public Works, Ports & Inland Water Transport Department
Bid Validity Period90
Name of the WorkEstimate Value
Construction of Bridge in Galitodu road Of Airodi gram panchayat in Brahmmavar Taluk of Udupi Dist. (One time improvement)3424073.15
Tender Amount Details 
Estimated Contract Value3424073.15
Amount of Earnest Money Deposit (INR)68500
Tender Processing Fee860
Tender Schedule / Dates 
NIT Published Date12/8/2020 11:46
Last Date & Time for Tender Queries/Clarifications24/08/2020 17:30:00
Last Date & Time for receipt of tenders28/08/2020 17:30:00
Date & Time for Opening of Technical Bid31/08/2020 10:00:00

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