Waterproofing – Retrofitting Revolution 2019


When it comes to buildings, waterproofing and retrofitting is a critical element for protecting the building and preserving its value. Poor waterproofing can fail, leading to cracks, mould issues, and structural defects like concrete cancers. Failure of your waterproofing can cause safety issues, significantly reduce the value of your property, and lead to unfitness for occupation.

Waterproofing and retrofitting might account for just  2-3% of a building’s total costs, but waterproofing defects can end up causes 80% of a building’s defects. When waterproofing fails, the implications are significant.


Addressing the challenge

A lot of products have been developed and modified during the last 3/4 decades and a big advancement has been witnessed…..but still, we are struggling for some long term solution in waterproofing. The eventuality is that almost every structure is witnessing  Damp walls, Roofs, sunken slabs, etc and resulting into distressed RCC. –particularly the rejection of PCC cover of the ceiling of the top floor IMPLYING almost all round failure of waterproofing systems.

The basic reason for this is GROSS NEGLECT on account of the engineering assets in the country or possibly they were CLUELESS of the possible solutions. A lack of motivation to invest one’s time and energy could also be a reason.

Aayka has solved this issue by introducing the AQUAVENT and can save the civil construction/ maintenance industry billions and embarrassment of leaking roofs and damp /peeling walls.

It can Extend the life of structures, as, in combination with Dr.MIRACLE waterproofing/retrofitting aids, the structures will be gradually de-saturated/free of corrosion. It has been already test marketed for 22 years and started using successfully in India since March 1996. It enables saving of vast natural resources, as the need to replace grading course (wet Mud-phuska, LCC., Brick-coba, foam concrete not needed. A great relief to user as there is  MINIMUM Disturbance. It inhibits GREEN IMPACT by  Saving Debris generation and subsequent grading course which needs the sand, grit etc

Ajaya Kumar Harit-a Waterproofing retrofitting scientist & Consorto….