Waterproofing System for concrete decks- Mapei

Plastimul PU-W

Waterproofing is very important for the point of stability of the structure. Once it is damaged, it cannot be brought back to its original status. When cracks form, it can lead to bigger problems in the long run, particularly due to the result of accumulated damp spots. So waterproofing is pivotal. In recent years there have been several modifications and developments in waterproofing systems and Mapei has been one of the front runners in the innovation trend. Waterproofing is a theme which they have always approached with success by offering a wide range of specific, safe and long-lasting solutions. The main problem encountered by users is infiltrations in areas such as second pours, underground structures, terraces and roofs,

Pitch Modified PU Waterproofing from Mapei

Mapei has introduced Plastimul PU-W a single component, water-based, polymer-modified, polyurethane-asphalt hybrid which cures to form a tough and highly-elastic membrane and provides a durable and seamless waterproofing protection for concrete substrates.

When completely dry and fully bonded to the substrate, Plastimul PU-W forms an impervious continuous barrier to eliminate migration of water between the membrane and substrate. Plastimul PU-W is ideal for application on concrete decks, especially where surface profiles and the presence of services provided detailing difficulties for the use of pre-formed membranes.

The advantages:

  • Environmentally-friendly and does not Pitch Modified PU Waterproofing emit noxious fumes,being water-based andlowinVOC
  • Single-component for easy application by air-less spray,brushorroller.
  • Excellent adhesion to prepared substrates
  • Suitable for application on damp substrates
  • Excellent crack-bridging properties.
  • Designed for structures subject to cyclic movements
  • The Coating Does Not creep under heat
  •  Chemically resistant to dilute acids & alkalis
  •  Non-toxic


Plastimul PU-W is ideal for application on concrete decks, especially where surface profiles and the presence of services provide detailing difficulties for the use of pre-formed membranes.

Application areas:

  • Flat or arched roofs and terraces
  • Pile caps, retaining walls, lift pit walls
  • Bathrooms, wet kitchens, balconies, patios
  • Swimming pool decks and elevated driveway decks
  • Concrete gutters, planter boxes, ledges

Plastimul PU-W does not contain harmful, flammable solvents which are dangerous to aquatic organisms. It is however recommended to use gloves and eyes protection and to take the usual precautions when handling chemical products.

For more information, visit www.mapei.co.in