Indore’s Waste to Energy model leads the world

Indore’s- Constrofacilitator

Indore’s cleanliness, waste management and energy savings always come first. As per a report, when it comes to Swachhta, Indore leads the way forward while 72 nations, Asian and African, are now set to follow. In the city around 35-tonne wet waste is treated on a daily basis and more than 13,000 bio CNG is produced daily as well. Also, the same bio CNG helps to run the city buses. This how Indore tackles waste management through two of its biomethanation plants.

Recently, at a conference in Tokyo of International Forum for Sustainable Development Asia and Pacific, a resolution has been passed accordingly. Arsad Warsi, representing Indore’s Municipal Corporation as its waste consultant, presented technical insights regarding how Indore’s plants have excelled in wet waste management.

Based on the key insights shared and in accordance with the resolution, the 72 countries are thereby gearing up to study and replicate Indore’s model, with specific parameters being laid out in terms of country-specific implementation.

The resolution pertains to Indore’s biomethanation model, which has been recognized as the most sustainable and cost-effective, zero-waste management model to tackle wet waste. Besides, the daily operations and implementation of the same has been found to be totally fool-proof, marking yet another benchmark quality.

Indore had earlier earned itself the title of being India’s cleanest city for two consecutive years. From eliminating legacy waste that included tackling old landfills to introducing various initiatives such as creating awareness among its people about the dangers of generating unmanageable waste, introducing door to door waste collection and taking steps to ensure waste-free local water bodies, Indore became the first city in the country to apply for a seven-star rating.

Another simple example of how Indore takes cleanliness and waste disposal seriously is how all plastic items have been banned in all major government offices. Again, Indore shows the way forward: copper glass tumblers replaced plastic cups and metal or glass plates replaced the plastic ones. Whatever it takes to maintain hygiene standards, workers are sensitized so that these basic standards are met.

To make cleanliness and energy conservation an essential and sustainable way of life, Indore has set the ball rolling.

Source: Yahoo

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