BAI TO CRA ; Stop Cartelisation in cement industry


BAI [The Builders Association of India], Southern Centre has sought the Centre to constitute a Cement Regulatory Authority to curb cartelisation in the cement industry.

In a representation to Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday, BAI, southern centre chairman S Ramaprabhu said that the Centre must consider the recommendation of the Parliamentary Standing Committee for the appointment of a ‘Cement Regulatory Authority’ on the lines of other regulatory authorities such as SEBI, TRAI and RERA.

It comes in the backdrop of cement prices shot up early this year hitting developers and those building independent houses.

The apex body of the construction sector has also sought the Government of India to set up a single-window mechanism for environmental and forest clearances.

About BAI

Most executors of infrastructure development programmers and builders of real estate, i.e. the construction companies in India, are under the umbrella of the over-seven-decades-old Builders’ Association of India (BAI). BAI is the only all India apex representative body of civil engineering construction companies. BAI was founded in 1941 under the guidance and blessings of Brig. C.V.S. ​ Jackson of Military Engineering Services, ‘Poona’, now known as ‘Pune’, who suggested that builders working under his command, form a body for finding solutions to various problems. He went further and made available a piece of land inside the premises of Southern Command Headquarters in Pune, on which an office was constructed and aptly named ‘Jackson Hut’, which stands even today as a monument in BAI’s name.

About CMA

Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA) is the apex body of large (1 million tonnes capacity per annum and more) cement manufacturers in India. It plays a catalytic role in bridging the gap between the government and the Indian Cement Industry towards shaping important policy matters in relation to cement. CMA’s activities are geared towards assisting the Indian Cement Industry in growing its global footprint through a combination of proactive policy advocacy and dissemination of information of best-in-class innovations and advancements in the industry.

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