Skanska, Volvo to Use AI to Reduce Emissions

The consortium that Skanska and Volvo are entering will explore methods such as route optimization and artificial intelligence.


Skanska will partner with Volvo Construction Equipment to develop artificial intelligence solutions that will reduce emissions from heavy equipment, enable faster production, and lower costs.

Also included in the partnership are SINTEF, an independent research organization headquartered in Trondheim, Norway; and Ditio, a construction software company based in Bergen, Norway, in which Skanska has invested.

“This research aims to bring about significant reductions in time, emissions, and construction costs, and the goal is to make the solution commercially available to everyone, said Jo Mortensen, executive VP of technology and operational efficiency at Skanska Norway, in a prepared statement. “If our industry is to achieve its sustainability goals, we need to work together.”

Skanska cited logistical challenges in the construction industry that can leave construction equipment sitting idle waiting on other equipment, causing both unnecessary costs and carbon emissions. The consortium that Skanska Norway is entering will explore methods such as machine learning, route optimization, and artificial intelligence to optimize the operation of heavy equipment, such as multi-ton excavators, wheel loaders, and haulers, according to the company.

This research project begins in early 2020 and is expected to continue until the end of 2022.

Skanska also partnered with Volvo on an electric site initiative in Gothenburg, Sweden.
