4.66 Lakh Homes Scheduled for 2020 Delivery May Miss Deadline

4.66 Lakh

If not for COVID-19, the top 7 cities were to see the delivery of nearly 4.66 lakh units by 2020-end. Launched after 2013, many of the projects were in the final leg of completion. With almost zero construction activity in last few months due to the lockdown, the completion deadlines for almost all these projects has got extended.

Most state RERAs have already given a 6-month extension to developers on previously committed timelines. However, homebuyers’ wait could run into several additional months for well-funded projects, and as much as 2 years for others.

2021 was to see completion of nearly 4.12 lakh units across the top 7 cities – 12% lower than in 2020. Most of these projects will probably also get delayed.

Anuj Puri, Chairman – ANAROCK Property Consultants says, “Homebuyers will have to adjust to new realities. As many as 4.66 lakh units were slated to be delivered in 2020 and another 4.12 lakh in 2021. Maximum completions (in both years) were to happen in NCR (approx. 2.40 lakh units). This region is set to witness more project delays over and above the backlog of over 2 lakh units already delayed in the region from before.”

“The Government must intervene to address multiple challenges including labour shortage in top cities. Even if developers have the financial strength, it will still take a while for most of them to resume construction because lakhs of labourers have left cities and migrated back to their villages. Moreover, many of the top cities are still grappling with the virus.”

Projected Completions in 2020 & 2021

Prior to COVID-19, the top 7 cities were to see completion of over 8.78 lakh units in 2020 and 2021 combined. Of this total expected supply, nearly 4.66 lakh units were to be added in 2020 and the remaining 4.12 lakh units in 2021.

  • NCR was to see maximum completions in both years – of about 2.40 lakh units. Of this, 1.01 lakh units were to come up in 2020 and another 1.39 lakh units in 2021.
  • MMR is second with nearly 2.10 lakh units expected to be delivered in two years – 1.07 lakh units in 2020 and nearly 1.03 lakh units in 2021.
  • Bengaluru was expected to see delivery of nearly 1.51 lakh units in 2020 and 2021. This year the city was likely to see delivery of 1.01 lakh units while in the next year it was just half at nearly 50,000 units.
  • Pune was to see completion of nearly 1.36 lakh units in both years – 69,000 in 2020 and 67,000 in 2021.
  • Kolkata was next with nearly 59,000 units meant to be delivered in two years – 33,900 units in 2020 and nearly 25,100 units in 2021.
  • Hyderabad was to see completion of more than 45,200 units in both years – 30,500 units in 2020 and another 14,700 units in 2021.
  • Chennai had the least completions in both years – about 37,000 units. Of this, 24,650 units were to complete in 2020 while another 12,520 units in 2021.